Hydroxychloroquine 200mg

HomeShopAntimalarialHydroxychloroquine 200mg

Hydroxychloroquine 200mg

(1 customer review)
  • A Complete Prescription Medicine
  • Best Treatment Medicine for Malaria
  • Helpful in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and other immune disorders.


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Drug Information

Hydroxychloroquine 200mg is a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD). It regulates the medicines activity of our immune system to a certain level, which may be an overactive sometime in some conditions. Hydroxychloroquine can easily modify the underlying disease activity process, rather than simply treating the symptoms. Hydroxychloroquine 200mg usually made for the treatment of malaria which is caused by the mosquito bites. The United States for Disease Control issued the certain guidelines for the treatment of malaria in all over the world. Hydroxychloroquine also prescribed for the auto-immune disease such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis for the peoples. This medicines helps to reduce the skin problems under the lupus and also prevent the swelling or pain suffer from the arthritis. You can also find this medication under the brand name of Plaquenil in the pharmacy market. It is completely an oral tablets. It is highly prescribed medication to the malaria infected peoples, with proper medical expert advice.

Dosage Usage

Hydroxychloroquine 200mg Tablets not quickly gives you the quick relieve from the malarial infection. It start working 1-2 weeks earlier entering the malaria infection. Its medical course of action only started depends upon the dosage strength and the treatment responds as per the medical experts checking. Its medical action completely depends on your age, previous medical history, and the dosage strengths and body responds to the medicine treatment as per the prescribed medicines instructions followed by the medical experts or doctor. It is completely an oral tablets, it should be once or twice a day as per the prescription written by the doctor.

Side Effects

Hydroxychloroquine 200mg Pills can be only taken with food and milk to prevent stomach problems. Dosage strength always depend upon the patient medical history to just avoid the Hydroxychloroquine 200mg side effects. However, dosage strength in children depends varies as per their body actual weight. Always consult your healthcare supervisor or medical experts to avoid all potential risks covers with any minor or major side effects. Never start increase or decrease the strength of medicines without knowing their harmful side effects. Always read and follow the instructions mentioned on the medicine leaflets back and front covers and follow the prescription given by the doctor.

  • Skin rashes
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhea
  • Visual Problems
  • Tinnitus (Ringing in the ears)
  • Bleaching of the hair
  • Stomach cramps
  • Mild hair loss
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Dizziness
  • Joint stiffness

In case of any other side effects not mentioned in the list above. Contact your medical expert or healthcare supervisor. In the US, you can call your immediate doctor about the side effects. You may also report side effects to the FDA at their given number 1-800-FDA-1088. However, in Canada, you can call for the medical advice about the side effects and may call at 1-866-234-2345.

Precaution before Taking Hydroxychloroquine

  • Avoid any over-the-counter preparations or herbal remedies.
  • Avoid this medicine in case already consuming any Painkillers.
  • Avoid any other Antibiotics with this meds like Azithromycin and clarithromycin.
  • Alcoholic person should completely avoid this medication
  • Always store the medicine at room temperature away from light and moisture.
  • Don’t flush down this medication or drain usually.
  • Always discard the expiry date medicine, it could leads harmful side effects.

Missing a Dose

In case of missing the prescribed the dosage, then the next dosage should be taken with doctor advice or as per the instruction provided to you by your medical experts or healthcare professionals. Avoid the more value of dosage without doctor knowledge. Never start any more value dosage without contacting your medical doctor or expert super visor, as this medication has very strong and serious side effect and may be life threatening warning as per some reviews received from the peoples.


In case of over dosage and followed with the serious symptoms shown such as passing or breathing problems, call immediately 911 for the medical help. Or you can call the poison help center at 1-800-222-1222. Side effects or symptoms may be fast heartbeat, fainting, shaking, shallow breathing, after seizures action, passing or breathing irregularities. Call a medical expert or doctor for quick help and avoid all potential risk factors.

Best Pharmacy to Buy Hydroxychloroquine Online

XPressPillStore.Com is the world leading and best online pharmacy store which give you the quality generic Hydroxychloroquine 200mg that are available in different strength and dosage values at the cheapest prices compared than the other pharmacies in the market, we are only dealing with the top pharmacy manufacturers. So for this product information, you can please visit our leading online pharmacy store at XPressPillStore.Com for your all required orders.

Additional information

US Brand Name

Plaquenil, Hydroquin

Generic Name





Dr. Reddy Lab

Pack Form


Country Of Origin


1 review for Hydroxychloroquine 200mg

  1. Taylor Hughes

    The product quality is consistently outstanding, exceeding my expectations every time!

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